Cresce l'interesse per "AGU Chapman Conference on Effects of Thunderstorms and Lightning in the Upper Atmosphere" che si svolgerà a metà maggio presso la Pennsylvania State University.
Questo il programma annunciato:
Observations of Transient Luminous Events: Recent Advances and Future Prospects
Questo il programma annunciato:
Monday, 11 May
Observations of Transient Luminous Events: Recent Advances and Future Prospects
(Field and satellite experiments, optical/infrared/UV, FUV, morphology, infrasound, etc.)
Tuesday, 12 May
Theory of Transient Luminous Events: Recent Advances and Future Prospects
(Optical/infrared/UV/FUV emissions, streamers, chemical effects)
Wednesday, 13 May
ELF/VLF Effects of Lightning and Transient Luminous Events
(Observations and Theory)
Thursday, 14 May
Energetic Radiation From Lightning, and Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes
(Observations and Theory)